let api = {}; let serverApi = {}; // chrome bookmark api wrapper (function (api) { /** * 获得整个书签树 */ const getTree = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.bookmarks.getTree(resolve); }); }; const getTreeAsync = async () => { return await getTree(); }; /** * 获得特定父书签组下的所有子书签和子书签组, * 返回的书签数组中是不包含children字段的,即不包含子节点以下的节点 * @param {String} id 父书签组id */ const getChildren = (id) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.bookmarks.getChildren(id, resolve); }); }; const getChildrenAsync = async (id) => { return await getChildren(id); }; /** * 获得特定书签组下的所有书签, * 返回的书签数组中包含children字段,即包含子节点以下的节点 * @param {String} id 父书签组id */ const getSubTree = (id) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.bookmarks.getSubTree(id, resolve); }); }; const getSubTreeAsync = async (id) => { return await getSubTree(id); }; /** * 删除指定id的书签 * @param {String} id 需要删除的书签的id */ const remove = (id) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.bookmarks.remove(id, resolve); }); }; const removeAsync = async (id) => { return await remove(id); }; /** * 删除指定id的空书签组,如果书签组下有子书签或子书签组,删除将失败 * @param {String} id 需要删除的书签文件夹id */ const removeTree = (id) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.bookmarks.removeTree(id, resolve); }); }; const removeTreeAsync = async (id) => { await removeTree(id); }; /** * 创建一个书签 * @param {Object} bookmark * string (optional) parentId 父书签组,如果不填,则默认在**其他书签**一栏中 * integer (optional) index * string (optional) title * string (optional) url 如果为NULL或者不填,则代表一个书签组文件夹 */ const create = (bookmark) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.bookmarks.create(bookmark, resolve); }); }; const createAsync = async (bookmark) => { return await create(bookmark); }; api.getTreeAsync = getTreeAsync; api.getSubTreeAsync = getSubTreeAsync; api.getChildrenAsync = getChildrenAsync; api.removeAsync = removeAsync; api.removeTreeAsync = removeTreeAsync; api.createAsync = createAsync; })(api); // backend server api wrapper (function (api) { const API_VERSION = "v1"; let serverAddress = ""; const setServerAddress = (address) => { serverAddress = address; }; const getServerAddress = () => { return serverAddress; }; const getVersion = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.getJSON(`${serverAddress}/${API_VERSION}/version`, (response) => { const { code, message, data } = response; if (code === 20000) { resolve(data); } else { reject(new Error(message)); } }); }); }; const uploadBookmarks = data => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.post(`${serverAddress}/${API_VERSION}/bookmark`, data, (response) => { const { code, message, data } = response; if (code === 20000) { resolve(data); } else { reject(new Error(message)); } }, 'json'); }); }; const downloadBookmarks = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.getJSON(`${serverAddress}/${API_VERSION}/bookmark`, (response) => { const { code, message, data } = response; if (code === 20000) { resolve(data); } else { reject(new Error(message)); } }); }); }; api.setServerAddress = setServerAddress; api.getServerAddress = getServerAddress; api.getVersion = getVersion; api.uploadBookmarks = uploadBookmarks; api.downloadBookmarks = downloadBookmarks; })(serverApi); function Node() { /** * id ( string ) * 节点的唯一标识, id 在当前配置文件中是唯一的,浏览器重启后依然有效。 */ this.id = "0"; /** * 父节点的ID,根节点没有此属性 */ this.parentId = undefined; /** * 书签节点创建时的时间戳 */ this.dateAdded = undefined; /** * 书签文件夹内容的最后更新时间戳,书签节点没有此属性 */ this.dateGroupModified = undefined; /** * 书签在父节点中的索引,根节点没有此属性 */ this.index = 0; /** * 书签标题 */ this.title = ""; /** * 书签的url,书签文件夹没有此属性 */ this.url = undefined; /** * 节点类型 * 0 为书签 * 1 为书签文件夹 */ this.type = 0; /** * 是否为根节点 */ this.root = false; /** * 子节点数组 */ this.children = undefined; } let BookmarkTreeNodeList = []; const BOOKMARK = 0; const BOOKEMARK_FOLDER = 1; const PROTO = "http"; const SERVER_ADDRESS = ""; const SERVER_PORT = "3000"; const SERVER_URL = `${PROTO}://${SERVER_ADDRESS}:${SERVER_PORT}`; /** * 获得浏览器书签的map表 * 表的key值表示书签深度,根目录深度为0 */ async function getBookmarkMap() { let localTree = await api.getTreeAsync(); let localMap = {}; async function addToMap(localTree, depth) { for (let i = 0; i < localTree.length; i++) { let node = localTree[i]; let bookmarkNode = new Node(); bookmarkNode.id = node.id; bookmarkNode.parentId = node.parentId; bookmarkNode.index = node.index; bookmarkNode.title = node.title; bookmarkNode.url = node.url; bookmarkNode.type = typeof node.dateGroupModified === "undefined" ? BOOKMARK : BOOKEMARK_FOLDER; bookmarkNode.root = typeof node.parentId === "undefined"; // 根节点没有 dateGroupModified 属性,但是应该是个书签组类型 if (bookmarkNode.root) { bookmarkNode.type = BOOKEMARK_FOLDER; } if (!Array.isArray(localMap[depth])) { localMap[depth] = []; } localMap[depth].push(bookmarkNode); if ( bookmarkNode.type === BOOKEMARK_FOLDER && Array.isArray(node.children) && node.children.length > 0 ) { for (let j = 0; j < node.children.length; j++) { let childNode = node.children[j]; let childTree = await api.getSubTreeAsync(childNode.id); await addToMap(childTree, depth + 1); } } } } await addToMap(localTree, 0); return localMap; } function tree2List(tree) { let cacheMap = {}; function add2Map(tree) { for (let item of tree) { // 给书签文件创建group属性 if (item.id === "0" || item.id === "1" || item.id === "2" || typeof item.dateGroupModified === 'number') { item.group = true } cacheMap[item.id] = item; if (Array.isArray(item.children)) { add2Map(item.children); } } } add2Map(tree); for (let key in cacheMap) { let item = cacheMap[key]; if (typeof item.parentId === "string") { if (!Array.isArray(cacheMap[item.parentId].nodes)) { cacheMap[item.parentId].nodes = []; } cacheMap[item.parentId].nodes.push(item.id); } } let list = []; for (let key in cacheMap) { const item = cacheMap[key]; list.push({ id: item.id, parentId: item.parentId, title: item.title, url: item.url, index: item.index, group: item.group, nodes: item.nodes, }); } return list; } /** * 获得浏览器书签的数组 */ async function getBookmarkList() { let localTree = await api.getTreeAsync(); return tree2List(localTree); } /** * 数组转map表 * @param {Object} bookmarkList */ function listToMap(bookmarkList) { let map = {}; for (let i = 0; i < bookmarkList.length; i++) { let bookmark = bookmarkList[i]; map[bookmark.id] = bookmark; } function getDepth(bookmark, depth) { if (parseInt(bookmark.id) === 0) { return depth; } else { return getDepth(map[bookmark.parentId], depth + 1); } } let finalMap = {}; for (let i = 0; i < bookmarkList.length; i++) { let bookmark = bookmarkList[i]; let finalDepth = getDepth(bookmark, 0); if (!Array.isArray(finalMap[finalDepth])) { finalMap[finalDepth] = []; } finalMap[finalDepth].push(bookmark); } return finalMap; } async function removeAllBookmarks() { let localTree = await api.getTreeAsync(); } async function restore(remoteBookmarkArray) { function getNewbookmarkId(array, parentId) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].id === parentId) { return array[i].newId; } } } let array = listToMap(remoteBookmarkArray); for (let depth in array) { const bookmarks = array[depth]; for (let i = 0; i < bookmarks.length; i++) { const bookmark = bookmarks[i]; if ( bookmark.root || bookmark.id === "0" || bookmark.id === "1" || bookmark.id === "2" ) { bookmark.newId = bookmark.id; continue; } try { const newBookmark = await api.createAsync({ parentId: getNewbookmarkId(array[depth - 1], bookmark.parentId), index: bookmark.index, title: bookmark.title, url: bookmark.url, }); bookmark.newId = newBookmark.id; console.log( `restroe ${bookmark.title}:${bookmark.id} to ${newBookmark.title}:${newBookmark.id}` ); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } } } $("#upload").on("click", async () => { let bookmarkArray = await getBookmarkList(); console.log(bookmarkArray) serverApi.uploadBookmarks({ bookmarks: bookmarkArray }); }); $("#download").on("click", async () => { const bookmarkArray = await serverApi.downloadBookmarks(); console.log(bookmarkArray); }); $("#test").on("click", async () => { let array = await getBookmarkList(); console.log(array); }); $("#connect").on("click", async () => { const serverAddress = $("#server").val() || SERVER_URL; serverApi.setServerAddress(serverAddress); const version = await serverApi.getVersion(); $("#version").html(version); });