You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1542 lines
43 KiB
1542 lines
43 KiB
/** |
* @author Toru Nagashima |
* See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. |
*/ |
"use strict" |
const semver = require("semver") |
const { getInnermostScope, getPropertyName } = require("eslint-utils") |
const getPackageJson = require("../util/get-package-json") |
const VERSION_MAP = new Map([ |
[0.1, "0.10.0"], |
[0.12, "0.12.0"], |
[4, "4.0.0"], |
[5, "5.0.0"], |
[6, "6.0.0"], |
[6.5, "6.5.0"], |
[7, "7.0.0"], |
[7.6, "7.6.0"], |
[8, "8.0.0"], |
[8.3, "8.3.0"], |
[9, "9.0.0"], |
[10, "10.0.0"], |
]) |
const VERSION_SCHEMA = { |
anyOf: [ |
{ enum: Array.from(VERSION_MAP.keys()) }, |
{ |
type: "string", |
pattern: "^(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)$", |
}, |
], |
} |
const DEFAULT_VERSION = "4.0.0" |
const FUNC_TYPE = /^(?:Arrow)?Function(?:Declaration|Expression)$/u |
const CLASS_TYPE = /^Class(?:Declaration|Expression)$/u |
const DESTRUCTURING_PARENT_TYPE = /^(?:Function(?:Declaration|Expression)|ArrowFunctionExpression|AssignmentExpression|VariableDeclarator)$/u |
const TOPLEVEL_SCOPE_TYPE = /^(?:global|function|module)$/u |
const BINARY_NUMBER = /^0[bB]/u |
const OCTAL_NUMBER = /^0[oO]/u |
const UNICODE_ESC = /(\\+)u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+?\}/gu |
const GET_OR_SET = /^(?:g|s)et$/u |
"Int8Array", |
"Uint8Array", |
"Uint8ClampedArray", |
"Int16Array", |
"Uint16Array", |
"Int32Array", |
"Uint32Array", |
"Float32Array", |
"Float64Array", |
"DataView", |
"Map", |
"Set", |
"WeakMap", |
"WeakSet", |
"Proxy", |
"Reflect", |
"Promise", |
"Symbol", |
"SharedArrayBuffer", |
"Atomics", |
] |
"Array", |
"RegExp", |
"Function", |
"Promise", |
"Boolean", |
"Number", |
"String", |
"Map", |
"Set", |
] |
Object: [ |
"assign", |
"is", |
"getOwnPropertySymbols", |
"setPrototypeOf", |
"values", |
"entries", |
"getOwnPropertyDescriptors", |
], |
String: ["raw", "fromCodePoint"], |
Array: ["from", "of"], |
Number: [ |
"isFinite", |
"isInteger", |
"isSafeInteger", |
"isNaN", |
], |
Math: [ |
"clz32", |
"imul", |
"sign", |
"log10", |
"log2", |
"log1p", |
"expm1", |
"cosh", |
"sinh", |
"tanh", |
"acosh", |
"asinh", |
"atanh", |
"trunc", |
"fround", |
"cbrt", |
"hypot", |
], |
Symbol: [ |
"hasInstance", |
"isConcatSpreadablec", |
"iterator", |
"species", |
"replace", |
"search", |
"split", |
"match", |
"toPrimitive", |
"toStringTag", |
"unscopables", |
], |
Atomics: [ |
"add", |
"and", |
"compareExchange", |
"exchange", |
"wait", |
"wake", |
"isLockFree", |
"load", |
"or", |
"store", |
"sub", |
"xor", |
], |
} |
const REGEXP_NAMED_GROUP = /(\\*)\(\?<[_$\w]/u |
const REGEXP_LOOKBEHIND = /(\\*)\(\?<[=!]/u |
const REGEXP_UNICODE_PROPERTY = /(\\*)\\[pP]\{.+?\}/u |
const FEATURES = { |
defaultParameters: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Default parameters", |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
restParameters: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Rest parameters", |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
spreadOperators: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Spread operators", |
node: "5.0.0", |
}, |
objectLiteralExtensions: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Object literal extensions", |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
objectPropertyShorthandOfGetSet: { |
alias: ["syntax", "objectLiteralExtensions"], |
name: "Property shorthand of 'get' and 'set'", |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
forOf: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "'for..of' loops", |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
binaryNumberLiterals: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Binary number literals", |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
octalNumberLiterals: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Octal number literals", |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
templateStrings: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Template strings", |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
regexpY: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "RegExp 'y' flags", |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
regexpU: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "RegExp 'u' flags", |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
destructuring: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Destructuring", |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
unicodeCodePointEscapes: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Unicode code point escapes", |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
"": { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "''", |
node: "5.0.0", |
}, |
const: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "'const' declarations", |
node: { |
sloppy: "6.0.0", |
strict: "4.0.0", |
}, |
}, |
let: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "'let' declarations", |
node: { |
sloppy: "6.0.0", |
strict: "4.0.0", |
}, |
}, |
blockScopedFunctions: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Block-scoped functions", |
node: { |
sloppy: "6.0.0", |
strict: "4.0.0", |
}, |
}, |
arrowFunctions: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Arrow functions", |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
generatorFunctions: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Generator functions", |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
classes: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Classes", |
node: { |
sloppy: "6.0.0", |
strict: "4.0.0", |
}, |
}, |
modules: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Import and export declarations", |
node: null, |
}, |
exponentialOperators: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Exponential operators (**)", |
node: "7.0.0", |
}, |
asyncAwait: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Async functions", |
node: "7.6.0", |
}, |
trailingCommasInFunctions: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Trailing commas in functions", |
node: "8.0.0", |
}, |
//------------------------------------------ |
templateLiteralRevision: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Illegal escape sequences in taggled templates", |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
regexpS: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "RegExp 's' flags", |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
regexpNamedCaptureGroups: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "RegExp named capture groups", |
node: "10.0.0", |
}, |
regexpLookbehind: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "RegExp lookbehind assertions", |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
regexpUnicodeProperties: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "RegExp Unicode property escapes", |
node: "10.0.0", |
}, |
restProperties: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Rest properties", |
node: "8.3.0", |
}, |
spreadProperties: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Spread properties", |
node: "8.3.0", |
}, |
asyncGenerators: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "Async generators", |
node: "10.0.0", |
}, |
forAwaitOf: { |
alias: ["syntax"], |
name: "for-await-of loops", |
node: "10.0.0", |
}, |
Int8Array: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Int8Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Uint8Array: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Uint8Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Uint8ClampedArray: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Uint8ClampedArray'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Int16Array: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Int16Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Uint16Array: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Uint16Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Int32Array: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Int32Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Uint32Array: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Uint32Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Float32Array: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Float32Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Float64Array: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'Float64Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
DataView: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects", "typedArrays"], |
name: "'DataView'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Map: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'Map'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Set: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'Set'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
WeakMap: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'WeakMap'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
WeakSet: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'WeakSet'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Proxy: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'Proxy'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
Reflect: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'Reflect'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
Promise: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'Promise'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
Symbol: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'Symbol'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
SharedArrayBuffer: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'SharedArrayBuffer'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
Atomics: { |
alias: ["runtime", "globalObjects"], |
name: "'Atomics'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Object.assign": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Object.*"], |
name: "'Object.assign'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
"": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Object.*"], |
name: "''", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Object.getOwnPropertySymbols": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Object.*"], |
name: "'Object.getOwnPropertySymbols'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Object.setPrototypeOf": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Object.*"], |
name: "'Object.setPrototypeOf'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Object.values": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Object.*"], |
name: "'Object.values'", |
singular: true, |
node: "7.0.0", |
}, |
"Object.entries": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Object.*"], |
name: "'Object.entries'", |
singular: true, |
node: "7.0.0", |
}, |
"Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Object.*"], |
name: "'Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors'", |
singular: true, |
node: "7.0.0", |
}, |
"String.raw": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "String.*"], |
name: "'String.raw'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
"String.fromCodePoint": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "String.*"], |
name: "'String.fromCodePoint'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
"Array.from": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Array.*"], |
name: "'Array.from'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
"Array.of": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Array.*"], |
name: "'Array.of'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
"Number.isFinite": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Number.*"], |
name: "'Number.isFinite'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.10.0", |
}, |
"Number.isInteger": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Number.*"], |
name: "'Number.isInteger'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Number.isSafeInteger": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Number.*"], |
name: "'Number.isSafeInteger'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Number.isNaN": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Number.*"], |
name: "'Number.isNaN'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.10.0", |
}, |
"Number.EPSILON": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Number.*"], |
name: "'Number.EPSILON'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Number.*"], |
name: "'Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Number.*"], |
name: "'Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.clz32": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.clz32'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.imul": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.imul'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.sign": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.sign'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.log10": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.log10'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.log2": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.log2'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.log1p": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.log1p'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.expm1": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.expm1'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.cosh": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.cosh'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.sinh": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.sinh'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.tanh": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.tanh'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.acosh": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.acosh'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.asinh": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.asinh'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.atanh": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.atanh'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.trunc": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.trunc'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.fround": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.fround'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.cbrt": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.cbrt'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Math.hypot": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Math.*"], |
name: "'Math.hypot'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.hasInstance": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.hasInstance'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.5.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.isConcatSpreadablec": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.isConcatSpreadablec'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.iterator": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.iterator'", |
singular: true, |
node: "0.12.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.species": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.species'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.5.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.replace": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.replace'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
"": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "''", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.split": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.split'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.match": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.match'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.toPrimitive": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.toPrimitive'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.toStringTag": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.toStringTag'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
"Symbol.unscopables": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Symbol.*"], |
name: "'Symbol.unscopables'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.add": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.add'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.and": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.and'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.compareExchange": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.compareExchange'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "''", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.wait": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.wait'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.wake": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.wake'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.isLockFree": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.isLockFree'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.load": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.load'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.or": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.or'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "''", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.sub": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.sub'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
"Atomics.xor": { |
alias: ["runtime", "staticMethods", "Atomics.*"], |
name: "'Atomics.xor'", |
singular: true, |
node: "9.0.0", |
}, |
extendsArray: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'Array'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
extendsRegExp: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'RegExp'", |
singular: true, |
node: "5.0.0", |
}, |
extendsFunction: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'Function'", |
singular: true, |
node: "6.0.0", |
}, |
extendsPromise: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'Promise'", |
singular: true, |
node: "5.0.0", |
}, |
extendsBoolean: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'Boolean'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
extendsNumber: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'Number'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
extendsString: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'String'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
extendsMap: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'Map'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
extendsSet: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "Subclassing of 'Set'", |
singular: true, |
node: "4.0.0", |
}, |
extendsNull: { |
alias: ["runtime", "extends"], |
name: "'extends null'", |
singular: true, |
node: null, |
}, |
} |
const OPTIONS = Object.keys(FEATURES) |
/** |
* Gets default version configuration of this rule. |
* |
* This finds and reads 'package.json' file, then parses 'engines.node' field. |
* If it's nothing, this returns null. |
* |
* @param {string} filename - The file name of the current linting file. |
* @returns {string} The default version configuration. |
*/ |
function getDefaultVersion(filename) { |
const info = getPackageJson(filename) |
const nodeVersion = info && info.engines && info.engines.node |
return semver.validRange(nodeVersion) || DEFAULT_VERSION |
} |
/** |
* Gets values of the `ignores` option. |
* |
* @returns {string[]} Values of the `ignores` option. |
*/ |
function getIgnoresEnum() { |
return Object.keys( |
OPTIONS.reduce((retv, key) => { |
for (const alias of FEATURES[key].alias) { |
retv[alias] = true |
} |
retv[key] = true |
return retv |
}, Object.create(null)) |
) |
} |
/** |
* Checks whether a given key should be ignored or not. |
* |
* @param {string} key - A key to check. |
* @param {string[]} ignores - An array of keys and aliases to be ignored. |
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the key should be ignored. |
*/ |
function isIgnored(key, ignores) { |
return ( |
ignores.indexOf(key) !== -1 || |
FEATURES[key].alias.some(alias => ignores.indexOf(alias) !== -1) |
) |
} |
/** |
* Parses the options. |
* |
* @param {number|string|object|undefined} options - An option object to parse. |
* @param {number} defaultVersion - The default version to use if the version option was omitted. |
* @returns {object} Parsed value. |
*/ |
function parseOptions(options, defaultVersion) { |
let version = null |
let range = null |
let ignores = [] |
if (typeof options === "number") { |
version = VERSION_MAP.get(options) |
} else if (typeof options === "string") { |
version = options |
} else if (typeof options === "object") { |
version = |
typeof options.version === "number" |
? VERSION_MAP.get(options.version) |
: options.version |
ignores = options.ignores || [] |
} |
range = semver.validRange(version ? `>=${version}` : defaultVersion) |
if (!version) { |
version = defaultVersion |
} |
return Object.freeze({ |
version, |
features: Object.freeze( |
OPTIONS.reduce((retv, key) => { |
const feature = FEATURES[key] |
if (isIgnored(key, ignores)) { |
retv[key] = Object.freeze({ |
name:, |
singular: Boolean(feature.singular), |
supported: true, |
supportedInStrict: true, |
}) |
} else if (typeof feature.node === "string") { |
retv[key] = Object.freeze({ |
name:, |
singular: Boolean(feature.singular), |
supported: !semver.intersects( |
range, |
`<${feature.node}` |
), |
supportedInStrict: !semver.intersects( |
range, |
`<${feature.node}` |
), |
}) |
} else { |
retv[key] = Object.freeze({ |
name:, |
singular: Boolean(feature.singular), |
supported: |
feature.node != null && |
feature.node.sloppy != null && |
!semver.intersects( |
range, |
`<${feature.node.sloppy}` |
), |
supportedInStrict: |
feature.node != null && |
feature.node.strict != null && |
!semver.intersects( |
range, |
`<${feature.node.strict}` |
), |
}) |
} |
return retv |
}, Object.create(null)) |
), |
}) |
} |
/** |
* Find the scope that a given node belongs to. |
* @param {Scope} initialScope The initial scope to find. |
* @param {Node} node The AST node. |
* @returns {Scope} The scope that the node belongs to. |
*/ |
function normalizeScope(initialScope, node) { |
let scope = getInnermostScope(initialScope, node) |
while (scope && scope.block === node) { |
scope = scope.upper |
} |
return scope |
} |
/** |
* Checks whether the given string has `\u{90ABCDEF}`-like escapes. |
* |
* @param {string} raw - The string to check. |
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the string has Unicode code point escapes. |
*/ |
function hasUnicodeCodePointEscape(raw) { |
let match = null |
UNICODE_ESC.lastIndex = 0 |
while ((match = UNICODE_ESC.exec(raw)) != null) { |
if (match[1].length % 2 === 1) { |
return true |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
/** |
* Check a given string has a given pattern. |
* @param {string} s A string to check. |
* @param {RegExp} pattern A RegExp object to check. |
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the string has the pattern. |
*/ |
function hasPattern(s, pattern) { |
const m = pattern.exec(s) |
return m != null && (m[1] || "").length % 2 === 0 |
} |
module.exports = { |
meta: { |
docs: { |
description: |
"disallow unsupported ECMAScript features on the specified version", |
category: "Possible Errors", |
recommended: false, |
replacedBy: [ |
"node/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax", |
"node/no-unsupported-features/es-builtins", |
], |
url: |
"", |
}, |
type: "problem", |
deprecated: true, |
fixable: null, |
schema: [ |
{ |
anyOf: [ |
{ |
type: "object", |
properties: { |
version: VERSION_SCHEMA, |
ignores: { |
type: "array", |
items: { enum: getIgnoresEnum() }, |
uniqueItems: true, |
}, |
}, |
additionalProperties: false, |
}, |
], |
}, |
], |
}, |
create(context) { |
const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode() |
const supportInfo = parseOptions( |
context.options[0], |
getDefaultVersion(context.getFilename()) |
) |
/** |
* Gets the references of the specified global variables. |
* |
* @param {string[]} names - Variable names to get. |
* @returns {void} |
*/ |
function* getReferences(names) { |
const globalScope = context.getScope() |
for (const name of names) { |
const variable = globalScope.set.get(name) |
if (variable && variable.defs.length === 0) { |
yield* variable.references |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* Checks whether the given function has trailing commas or not. |
* |
* @param {ASTNode} node - The function node to check. |
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the function has trailing commas. |
*/ |
function hasTrailingCommaForFunction(node) { |
const length = node.params.length |
return ( |
length >= 1 && |
sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node.params[length - 1]).value === "," |
) |
} |
/** |
* Checks whether the given call expression has trailing commas or not. |
* |
* @param {ASTNode} node - The call expression node to check. |
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the call expression has trailing commas. |
*/ |
function hasTrailingCommaForCall(node) { |
return ( |
node.arguments.length >= 1 && |
sourceCode.getLastToken(node, 1).value === "," |
) |
} |
/** |
* Checks whether the given class extends from null or not. |
* |
* @param {ASTNode} node - The class node to check. |
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the class extends from null. |
*/ |
function extendsNull(node) { |
return ( |
node.superClass != null && |
node.superClass.type === "Literal" && |
node.superClass.value === null |
) |
} |
/** |
* Reports a given node if the specified feature is not supported. |
* |
* @param {ASTNode} node - A node to be reported. |
* @param {string} key - A feature name to report. |
* @returns {void} |
*/ |
function report(node, key) { |
const version = supportInfo.version |
const feature = supportInfo.features[key] |
if (feature.supported) { |
return |
} |
if (!feature.supportedInStrict) { |
|{ |
node, |
message: |
"{{feature}} {{be}} not supported yet on Node {{version}}.", |
data: { |
feature:, |
be: feature.singular ? "is" : "are", |
version, |
}, |
}) |
} else if (!normalizeScope(context.getScope(), node).isStrict) { |
|{ |
node, |
message: |
"{{feature}} {{be}} not supported yet on Node {{version}}.", |
data: { |
feature: `${} in non-strict mode`, |
be: feature.singular ? "is" : "are", |
version, |
}, |
}) |
} |
} |
/** |
* Validate RegExp syntax. |
* @param {string} pattern A RegExp pattern to check. |
* @param {string} flags A RegExp flags to check. |
* @param {ASTNode} node A node to report. |
* @returns {void} |
*/ |
function validateRegExp(pattern, flags, node) { |
if (typeof pattern === "string") { |
if (hasPattern(pattern, REGEXP_NAMED_GROUP)) { |
report(node, "regexpNamedCaptureGroups") |
} |
if (hasPattern(pattern, REGEXP_LOOKBEHIND)) { |
report(node, "regexpLookbehind") |
} |
if (hasPattern(pattern, REGEXP_UNICODE_PROPERTY)) { |
report(node, "regexpUnicodeProperties") |
} |
} |
if (typeof flags === "string") { |
if (flags.indexOf("y") !== -1) { |
report(node, "regexpY") |
} |
if (flags.indexOf("u") !== -1) { |
report(node, "regexpU") |
} |
if (flags.indexOf("s") !== -1) { |
report(node, "regexpS") |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* Validate RegExp syntax in a RegExp literal. |
* @param {ASTNode} node A Literal node to check. |
* @returns {void} |
*/ |
function validateRegExpLiteral(node) { |
validateRegExp(node.regex.pattern, node.regex.flags, node) |
} |
/** |
* Validate RegExp syntax in the first argument of `new RegExp()`. |
* @param {ASTNode} node A NewExpression node to check. |
* @returns {void} |
*/ |
function validateRegExpString(node) { |
const patternNode = node.arguments[0] |
const flagsNode = node.arguments[1] |
const pattern = |
patternNode && |
patternNode.type === "Literal" && |
typeof patternNode.value === "string" |
? patternNode.value |
: null |
const flags = |
flagsNode && |
flagsNode.type === "Literal" && |
typeof flagsNode.value === "string" |
? flagsNode.value |
: null |
validateRegExp(pattern, flags, node) |
} |
return { |
"Program:exit"() { |
// Check new global variables. |
for (const name of NEW_BUILTIN_TYPES) { |
for (const reference of getReferences([name])) { |
// Ignore if it's using new static methods. |
const node = reference.identifier |
const parentNode = node.parent |
const properties = PROPERTY_TEST_TARGETS[name] |
if ( |
properties && |
parentNode.type === "MemberExpression" |
) { |
const propertyName = getPropertyName(parentNode) |
if (properties.indexOf(propertyName) !== -1) { |
continue |
} |
} |
report(reference.identifier, name) |
} |
} |
// Check static methods. |
for (const reference of getReferences( |
)) { |
const node = reference.identifier |
const parentNode = node.parent |
if ( |
parentNode.type !== "MemberExpression" || |
parentNode.object !== node |
) { |
continue |
} |
const objectName = |
const properties = PROPERTY_TEST_TARGETS[objectName] |
const propertyName = getPropertyName(parentNode) |
if ( |
propertyName && |
properties.indexOf(propertyName) !== -1 |
) { |
report(parentNode, `${objectName}.${propertyName}`) |
} |
} |
// Check subclassing |
for (const reference of getReferences( |
)) { |
const node = reference.identifier |
const parentNode = node.parent |
if ( |
CLASS_TYPE.test(parentNode.type) && |
parentNode.superClass === node |
) { |
report(node, `extends${}`) |
} |
} |
}, |
ArrowFunctionExpression(node) { |
report(node, "arrowFunctions") |
if (node.async) { |
report(node, "asyncAwait") |
} |
if (hasTrailingCommaForFunction(node)) { |
report(node, "trailingCommasInFunctions") |
} |
}, |
AssignmentPattern(node) { |
if (FUNC_TYPE.test(node.parent.type)) { |
report(node, "defaultParameters") |
} |
}, |
FunctionDeclaration(node) { |
const scope = context.getScope().upper |
if (!TOPLEVEL_SCOPE_TYPE.test(scope.type)) { |
report(node, "blockScopedFunctions") |
} |
if (node.generator) { |
report(node, "generatorFunctions") |
} |
if (node.async) { |
report(node, "asyncAwait") |
} |
if (hasTrailingCommaForFunction(node)) { |
report(node, "trailingCommasInFunctions") |
} |
if (node.async && node.generator) { |
report(node, "asyncGenerators") |
} |
}, |
FunctionExpression(node) { |
if (node.generator) { |
report(node, "generatorFunctions") |
} |
if (node.async) { |
report(node, "asyncAwait") |
} |
if (hasTrailingCommaForFunction(node)) { |
report(node, "trailingCommasInFunctions") |
} |
if (node.async && node.generator) { |
report(node, "asyncGenerators") |
} |
}, |
MetaProperty(node) { |
const meta = || node.meta |
const property = || |
if (meta === "new" && property === "target") { |
report(node, "") |
} |
}, |
ClassDeclaration(node) { |
report(node, "classes") |
if (extendsNull(node)) { |
report(node, "extendsNull") |
} |
}, |
ClassExpression(node) { |
report(node, "classes") |
if (extendsNull(node)) { |
report(node, "extendsNull") |
} |
}, |
ForOfStatement(node) { |
report(node, "forOf") |
if (node.await) { |
report(node, "forAwaitOf") |
} |
}, |
VariableDeclaration(node) { |
if (node.kind === "const") { |
report(node, "const") |
} else if (node.kind === "let") { |
report(node, "let") |
} |
}, |
ArrayPattern(node) { |
if (DESTRUCTURING_PARENT_TYPE.test(node.parent.type)) { |
report(node, "destructuring") |
} |
}, |
AssignmentExpression(node) { |
if (node.operator === "**=") { |
report(node, "exponentialOperators") |
} |
}, |
AwaitExpression(node) { |
report(node, "asyncAwait") |
}, |
BinaryExpression(node) { |
if (node.operator === "**") { |
report(node, "exponentialOperators") |
} |
}, |
CallExpression(node) { |
if (hasTrailingCommaForCall(node)) { |
report(node, "trailingCommasInFunctions") |
} |
}, |
Identifier(node) { |
const raw = sourceCode.getText(node) |
if (hasUnicodeCodePointEscape(raw)) { |
report(node, "unicodeCodePointEscapes") |
} |
}, |
Literal(node) { |
if (typeof node.value === "number") { |
if (BINARY_NUMBER.test(node.raw)) { |
report(node, "binaryNumberLiterals") |
} else if (OCTAL_NUMBER.test(node.raw)) { |
report(node, "octalNumberLiterals") |
} |
} else if (typeof node.value === "string") { |
if (hasUnicodeCodePointEscape(node.raw)) { |
report(node, "unicodeCodePointEscapes") |
} |
} else if (node.regex) { |
validateRegExpLiteral(node) |
} |
}, |
NewExpression(node) { |
if ( |
node.callee.type === "Identifier" && |
| === "RegExp" |
) { |
validateRegExpString(node) |
} |
if (hasTrailingCommaForCall(node)) { |
report(node, "trailingCommasInFunctions") |
} |
}, |
ObjectPattern(node) { |
if (DESTRUCTURING_PARENT_TYPE.test(node.parent.type)) { |
report(node, "destructuring") |
} |
}, |
Property(node) { |
if ( |
node.parent.type === "ObjectExpression" && |
(node.computed || node.shorthand || node.method) |
) { |
if (node.shorthand && GET_OR_SET.test( { |
report(node, "objectPropertyShorthandOfGetSet") |
} else { |
report(node, "objectLiteralExtensions") |
} |
} |
}, |
RestElement(node) { |
if (FUNC_TYPE.test(node.parent.type)) { |
report(node, "restParameters") |
} else if (node.parent.type === "ObjectPattern") { |
report(node, "restProperties") |
} |
}, |
SpreadElement(node) { |
if (node.parent.type === "ObjectExpression") { |
report(node, "spreadProperties") |
} else { |
report(node, "spreadOperators") |
} |
}, |
TemplateElement(node) { |
if (node.value.cooked == null) { |
report(node, "templateLiteralRevision") |
} |
}, |
TemplateLiteral(node) { |
report(node, "templateStrings") |
}, |
ExperimentalRestProperty(node) { |
report(node, "restProperties") |
}, |
ExperimentalSpreadProperty(node) { |
report(node, "spreadProperties") |
}, |
RestProperty(node) { |
report(node, "restProperties") |
}, |
SpreadProperty(node) { |
report(node, "spreadProperties") |
}, |
ExportAllDeclaration(node) { |
report(node, "modules") |
}, |
ExportDefaultDeclaration(node) { |
report(node, "modules") |
}, |
ExportNamedDeclaration(node) { |
report(node, "modules") |
}, |
ImportDeclaration(node) { |
report(node, "modules") |
}, |
} |
}, |