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71 lines
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6 years ago
let unix_exec =
(~args=[||], ~env=?, ~stderr: Lwt_process.redirection=`Keep, command) => {
let realArgs = Array.append([|command|], args);
Lwt_process.pread_lines(~stderr, ~env?, ("", realArgs))
|> Lwt_stream.to_list;
let mkdirp = destination =>
unix_exec("mkdir", ~stderr=`Dev_null, ~args=[|"-p", destination|]);
module NodeArch = {
type t =
| X32
| X64
| Other;
let rec last = xs =>
switch (xs) {
| [x] => Some(x)
| [_, ...xs] => last(xs)
| [] => None
let findArches = unameResult => {
let words = unameResult |> List.hd |> String.split_on_char(' ');
List.exists(word => word == "x86_64", words) ? X64 : X32;
/* Get node-compliant architecture (x64, x86) */
let get = () =>
switch (Sys.os_type) {
| "Unix" =>
let%lwt result = unix_exec("uname", ~args=[|"-a"|]);
try (result |> findArches |> Lwt.return) {
| _ => Lwt.fail_with("Error getting unix information")
| _ => Lwt.return(Other)
let toString =
| X64 => "x64"
| X32 => "x32"
| Other => "other";
module NodeOS = {
type t =
| Darwin
| Linux
| Other(string);
let get = () =>
switch (Sys.os_type) {
| "Unix" =>
let%lwt result = unix_exec("uname", ~args=[|"-s"|]);
switch (result |> List.hd) {
| "Darwin" => Lwt.return(Darwin)
| _ => Lwt.return(Linux)
| exception _ => Lwt.fail_with("Error getting unix information")
| other => Other(other) |> Lwt.return
let toString =
| Darwin => "darwin"
| Linux => "linux"
| Other(_) => "other";