let version = "1.0.0";
module Commands = {
let use = version => Lwt_main.run(Use.run(version));
let listRemote = () => Lwt_main.run(ListRemote.run());
let listLocal = () => Lwt_main.run(ListLocal.run());
let install = version => Lwt_main.run(Install.run(~version));
let env = isFishShell => Lwt_main.run(Env.run(isFishShell));
open Cmdliner;
let help_secs = [
`P("These options are common to all commands."),
`P("Use `$(mname) $(i,COMMAND) --help' for help on a single command."),
`P("File bug reports at https://github.com/Schniz/fnm"),
let envs = [
"The root directory of fnm installations. Defaults to: "
++ Fnm.Directories.sfwRoot,
let install = {
let doc = "Install another node version";
let man = [];
let selectedVersion = {
let doc = "Install another version specified in $(docv).";
value & pos(0, some(string), None) & info([], ~docv="VERSION", ~doc)
Term.(const(Commands.install) $ selectedVersion),
Term.info("install", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man),
let listLocal = {
let doc = "List all the installed versions";
let man = [];
Term.(app(const(Commands.listLocal), const())),
Term.info("ls", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man),
let listRemote = {
let doc = "List all the versions upstream";
let man = [];
Term.(app(const(Commands.listRemote), const())),
Term.info("ls-remote", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man),
let use = {
let doc = "Switch to another installed node version";
let man = [];
let selectedVersion = {
let doc = "Switch to version $(docv).\nLeave empty to look for value from `.nvmrc`";
value & pos(0, some(string), None) & info([], ~docv="VERSION", ~doc)
Term.(const(Commands.use) $ selectedVersion),
Term.info("use", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man),
let env = {
let doc = "Show env configurations";
let sdocs = Manpage.s_common_options;
let man = help_secs;
let isFishShell = {
let doc = "Output an env configuration for fish shell.";
Arg.(value & flag & info(["fish"], ~doc));
Term.(const(Commands.env) $ isFishShell),
Term.info("env", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man, ~sdocs),
let defaultCmd = {
let doc = "Manage Node.js installations";
let sdocs = Manpage.s_common_options;
let man = help_secs;
Term.(ret(const(_ => `Help((`Pager, None))) $ const())),
let _ =
Term.eval_choice(defaultCmd, [install, use, listLocal, listRemote, env])
|> Term.exit;