use super ::command ::Command ;
use super ::install ::Install ;
use crate ::current_version ::current_version ;
use crate ::fs ;
use crate ::installed_versions ;
use crate ::outln ;
use crate ::system_version ;
use crate ::user_version ::UserVersion ;
use crate ::version ::Version ;
use crate ::version_file_strategy ::VersionFileStrategy ;
use crate ::{ config ::FnmConfig , user_version_reader ::UserVersionReader } ;
use colored ::Colorize ;
use snafu ::{ ensure , OptionExt , ResultExt , Snafu } ;
use std ::path ::Path ;
use structopt ::StructOpt ;
#[ derive(StructOpt, Debug) ]
pub struct Use {
version : Option < UserVersionReader > ,
/// Install the version if it isn't installed yet
#[ structopt(long) ]
install_if_missing : bool ,
/// Don't output a message identifying the version being used
/// if it will not change due to execution of this command
#[ structopt(long) ]
silent_if_unchanged : bool ,
impl Command for Use {
type Error = Error ;
fn apply ( self , config : & FnmConfig ) -> Result < ( ) , Self ::Error > {
let multishell_path = config . multishell_path ( ) . context ( FnmEnvWasNotSourced ) ? ;
warn_if_multishell_path_not_in_path_env_var ( multishell_path , config ) ;
let all_versions =
installed_versions ::list ( config . installations_dir ( ) ) . context ( VersionListingError ) ? ;
let requested_version = self
. version
. unwrap_or_else ( | | {
let current_dir = std ::env ::current_dir ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
UserVersionReader ::Path ( current_dir )
} )
. into_user_version ( config )
. ok_or_else ( | | match config . version_file_strategy ( ) {
VersionFileStrategy ::Local = > InferVersionError ::Local ,
VersionFileStrategy ::Recursive = > InferVersionError ::Recursive ,
} )
. context ( CantInferVersion ) ? ;
let ( message , version_path ) = if let UserVersion ::Full ( Version ::Bypassed ) =
let message = format! (
"Bypassing fnm: using {} node" ,
system_version ::display_name ( ) . cyan ( )
) ;
( message , system_version ::path ( ) )
} else if let Some ( alias_name ) = requested_version . alias_name ( ) {
let alias_path = config . aliases_dir ( ) . join ( & alias_name ) ;
let system_path = system_version ::path ( ) ;
if matches! ( fs ::shallow_read_symlink ( & alias_path ) , Ok ( shallow_path ) if shallow_path = = system_path )
let message = format! (
"Bypassing fnm: using {} node" ,
system_version ::display_name ( ) . cyan ( )
) ;
( message , system_path )
} else if alias_path . exists ( ) {
let message = format! ( "Using Node for alias {}" , alias_name . cyan ( ) ) ;
( message , alias_path )
} else {
install_new_version ( requested_version , config , self . install_if_missing ) ? ;
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
} else {
let current_version = requested_version . to_version ( & all_versions , config ) ;
if let Some ( version ) = current_version {
let version_path = config
. installations_dir ( )
. join ( version . to_string ( ) )
. join ( "installation" ) ;
let message = format! ( "Using Node {}" , version . to_string ( ) . cyan ( ) ) ;
( message , version_path )
} else {
install_new_version ( requested_version , config , self . install_if_missing ) ? ;
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
} ;
if ! self . silent_if_unchanged | | will_version_change ( & version_path , config ) {
outln ! ( config , Info , "{}" , message ) ;
replace_symlink ( & version_path , multishell_path ) . context ( SymlinkingCreationIssue ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
fn will_version_change ( resolved_path : & Path , config : & FnmConfig ) -> bool {
let current_version_path = current_version ( config )
. unwrap_or ( None )
. map ( | v | v . installation_path ( config ) ) ;
current_version_path . as_deref ( ) ! = Some ( resolved_path )
fn install_new_version (
requested_version : UserVersion ,
config : & FnmConfig ,
install_if_missing : bool ,
) -> Result < ( ) , Error > {
ensure ! (
install_if_missing | | should_install_interactively ( & requested_version ) ,
CantFindVersion {
version : requested_version
) ;
Install {
version : Some ( requested_version . clone ( ) ) ,
.. Install ::default ( )
. apply ( config )
. context ( InstallError ) ? ;
Use {
version : Some ( UserVersionReader ::Direct ( requested_version ) ) ,
install_if_missing : true ,
silent_if_unchanged : false ,
. apply ( config ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Tries to delete `from`, and then tries to symlink `from` to `to` anyway.
/// If the symlinking fails, it will return the errors in the following order:
/// * The deletion error (if exists)
/// * The creation error
/// This way, we can create a symlink if it is missing.
fn replace_symlink ( from : & std ::path ::Path , to : & std ::path ::Path ) -> std ::io ::Result < ( ) > {
let symlink_deletion_result = fs ::remove_symlink_dir ( & to ) ;
match fs ::symlink_dir ( & from , & to ) {
ok @ Ok ( _ ) = > ok ,
err @ Err ( _ ) = > symlink_deletion_result . and ( err ) ,
fn should_install_interactively ( requested_version : & UserVersion ) -> bool {
use std ::io ::Write ;
if ! ( atty ::is ( atty ::Stream ::Stdout ) & & atty ::is ( atty ::Stream ::Stdin ) ) {
return false ;
let error_message = format! (
"Can't find an installed Node version matching {}." ,
requested_version . to_string ( ) . italic ( )
) ;
eprintln! ( "{}" , error_message . red ( ) ) ;
let do_you_want = format! ( "Do you want to install it? {} [y/n]:" , "answer" . bold ( ) ) ;
eprint! ( "{} " , do_you_want . yellow ( ) ) ;
std ::io ::stdout ( ) . flush ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut s = String ::new ( ) ;
std ::io ::stdin ( )
. read_line ( & mut s )
. expect ( "Can't read user input" ) ;
s . trim ( ) . to_lowercase ( ) = = "y"
fn warn_if_multishell_path_not_in_path_env_var (
multishell_path : & std ::path ::Path ,
config : & FnmConfig ,
) {
let bin_path = if cfg! ( unix ) {
multishell_path . join ( "bin" )
} else {
multishell_path . to_path_buf ( )
} ;
for path in std ::env ::split_paths ( & std ::env ::var ( "PATH" ) . unwrap_or_default ( ) ) {
if bin_path = = path {
return ;
outln ! (
config , Error ,
"{} {}\n{}\n{}" ,
"warning:" . yellow ( ) . bold ( ) ,
"The current Node.js path is not on your PATH environment variable." . yellow ( ) ,
"You should setup your shell profile to evaluate `fnm env`, see on how to do this" . yellow ( ) ,
"Check out our documentation for more information:" . yellow ( )
) ;
#[ derive(Debug, Snafu) ]
pub enum Error {
#[ snafu(display( " Can't create the symlink: {} " , source)) ]
SymlinkingCreationIssue { source : std ::io ::Error } ,
#[ snafu(display( " Can't read the symlink: {} " , source)) ]
SymlinkReadFailed { source : std ::io ::Error } ,
#[ snafu(display( " {} " , source)) ]
InstallError { source : < Install as Command > ::Error } ,
#[ snafu(display( " Can't get locally installed versions: {} " , source)) ]
VersionListingError { source : installed_versions ::Error } ,
#[ snafu(display( " Requested version {} is not currently installed " , version)) ]
CantFindVersion { version : UserVersion } ,
#[ snafu(display( " {} " , source)) ]
CantInferVersion { source : InferVersionError } ,
#[ snafu(display(
"{}\n{}\n{}" ,
"We can't find the necessary environment variables to replace the Node version." ,
"You should setup your shell profile to evaluate `fnm env`, see on how to do this" ,
"Check out our documentation for more information:"
) ) ]
FnmEnvWasNotSourced ,
#[ derive(Debug, Snafu) ]
pub enum InferVersionError {
#[ snafu(display(
"Can't find version in dotfiles. Please provide a version manually to the command."
) ) ]
Local ,
#[ snafu(display( " Could not find any version to use. Maybe you don't have a default version set? \n Try running `fnm default <VERSION>` to set one, \n or create a .node-version file inside your project to declare a Node.js version. " )) ]
Recursive ,