29 lines
1.0 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`Bash warns about an existing installation: Bash 1`] = `
"set -e
eval "$(fnm env)"
fnm install v8.11.3
(fnm install v8.11.3 2>&1) | grep 'already installed' || (echo "Expected output to contain 'already installed'" && exit 1)"
exports[`Fish warns about an existing installation: Fish 1`] = `
"fnm env | source
fnm install v8.11.3
begin; fnm install v8.11.3 2>&1; end | grep 'already installed'; or echo "Expected output to contain 'already installed'" && exit 1"
exports[`PowerShell warns about an existing installation: PowerShell 1`] = `
"$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
fnm env | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
fnm install v8.11.3
$($__out__ = $(fnm install v8.11.3 2>&1 | Select-String 'already installed'); if ($__out__ -eq $null) { exit 1 } else { $__out__ })"
exports[`Zsh warns about an existing installation: Zsh 1`] = `
"set -e
eval "$(fnm env)"
fnm install v8.11.3
(fnm install v8.11.3 2>&1) | grep 'already installed' || (echo "Expected output to contain 'already installed'" && exit 1)"