import { lstat, readFile, realpath } from "node:fs/promises"
import { join } from "node:path"
import { script } from "./shellcode/script.js"
import { Bash, Fish, PowerShell, WinCmd, Zsh } from "./shellcode/shells.js"
import testCwd from "./shellcode/test-cwd.js"
import describe from "./describe.js"
for (const shell of [Bash, Zsh, Fish, PowerShell, WinCmd]) {
describe(shell, () => {
test(`outputs json`, async () => {
const filename = `file.json`
await script(shell)
shell.redirectOutput(shell.call("fnm", ["env", "--json"]), {
output: filename,
if (shell.currentlySupported()) {
const file = await readFile(join(testCwd(), filename), "utf8")
const json = JSON.parse(file)
FNM_ARCH: expect.any(String),
FNM_DIR: expect.any(String),
FNM_MULTISHELL_PATH: expect.any(String),
FNM_NODE_DIST_MIRROR: expect.any(String),
test(`deletes the multishell upon shell exit`, async () => {
const filename = `multishell_path`
await script(shell)
.then(shell.env({ args: ["--delete-on-exit"] }))
shell.call("echo", [shell.getEnvVar("FNM_MULTISHELL_PATH")]),
{ output: filename }
if (shell.currentlySupported()) {
const multishell = await readFile(
join(testCwd(), filename),
).then((x) => x.trim())
await expect(lstat(multishell)).rejects.toThrowError(
/no such file or directory/