module VersionSet = Set.Make(String); let lwtIgnore = lwt => Lwt.catch(() => lwt, _ => Lwt.return()); module Local = { type t = { name: string, fullPath: string, aliases: list(string), }; let toDirectory = name => Filename.concat(Directories.nodeVersions, name); }; exception Version_not_found(string); exception Already_installed(string); module Aliases = { module VersionAliasMap = Map.Make(String); type t = { name: string, versionName: string, fullPath: string, }; let toDirectory = name => Filename.concat(Directories.aliases, name); let getAll = () => { let%lwt aliases = Fs.readdir(Directories.aliases); aliases |> => { let fullPath = Filename.concat(Directories.aliases, alias); { name: alias, fullPath, versionName: Filename.concat(Directories.aliases, alias) |> Fs.realpath |> Filename.basename, }; }) |> Lwt.return; }; let byVersion = () => { let%lwt aliases = getAll(); aliases |> List.fold_left( (map, curr) => { let value = switch (VersionAliasMap.find_opt(curr.versionName, map)) { | None => [] | Some(arr) => [, ...arr] }; VersionAliasMap.add(curr.versionName, value, map); }, VersionAliasMap.empty, ) |> Lwt.return; }; let set = (~alias, ~versionPath) => { let aliasPath = alias |> toDirectory; let%lwt _ = System.mkdirp(Directories.aliases); let%lwt _ = Lwt_unix.unlink(aliasPath) |> lwtIgnore; let%lwt _ = Lwt_unix.symlink(versionPath, aliasPath); Lwt.return(); }; }; module Remote = { type t = { name: string, baseURL: string, installed: bool, }; let skip = (~amount, str) => Str.last_chars(str, String.length(str) - amount); let parseSemver = version => version |> skip(~amount=1) |> Semver.of_string; let compare = (v1, v2) => switch (parseSemver(v1), parseSemver(v2)) { | (Some(v1), Some(v2)) =>, v2) | (None, _) | (_, None) => -, v2) }; let getInstalledVersionSet = () => Lwt.( catch(() => Fs.readdir(Directories.nodeVersions), _ => return([])) >|= List.fold_left( (acc, curr) => VersionSet.add(curr, acc), VersionSet.empty, ) ); let getRelativeLinksFromHTML = html => Soup.parse(html) |>"pre a") |> Soup.to_list |>"href")) |> Core.List.filter_map(~f=x => x); let downloadFileSuffix = ".tar.xz"; let getVersionFromFilename = filename => { let strings = filename |> String.split_on_char('-'); List.nth(strings, 1); }; }; let format = version => { let version = switch (Str.first_chars(version, 1) |> Int32.of_string) { | _ => "v" ++ version | exception _ => version }; version; }; let endsWith = (~suffix, str) => { let suffixLength = String.length(suffix); String.length(str) > suffixLength && Str.last_chars(str, suffixLength) == suffix; }; exception No_Download_For_System(System.NodeOS.t, System.NodeArch.t); let getFileToDownload = (~version as versionName, ~os, ~arch) => { let versionName = switch (Str.first_chars(versionName, 1) |> Int32.of_string) { | _ => "v" ++ versionName | exception _ => versionName }; let url = "" ++ versionName ++ "/"; let%lwt html = try%lwt (Http.makeRequest(url) |> { | Http.Not_found(_) => }; let filenames = html |> Remote.getRelativeLinksFromHTML |> List.filter( endsWith( ~suffix= System.NodeOS.toString(os) ++ "-" ++ System.NodeArch.toString(arch) ++ Remote.downloadFileSuffix, ), ); switch (filenames |> List.hd) { | x => Lwt.return(url ++ x) | exception _ =>, arch)) }; }; let getCurrentVersion = () => switch (Fs.realpath(Directories.currentVersion)) { | installationPath => let fullPath = Filename.dirname(installationPath); Some( Local.{fullPath, name: Core.Filename.basename(fullPath), aliases: []}, ); | exception (Unix.Unix_error(_, _, _)) => None }; let getInstalledVersions = () => Lwt.( { let%lwt versions = Fs.readdir(Directories.nodeVersions) >|= List.sort( and aliases = Aliases.byVersion(); versions |> => Local.{ name, fullPath: Filename.concat(Directories.nodeVersions, name), aliases: Opt.(Aliases.VersionAliasMap.find_opt(name, aliases) or []), } ) |> Lwt.return; } ); let getRemoteVersions = () => { let%lwt bodyString = Http.makeRequest("") |>; let versions = bodyString |> Remote.getRelativeLinksFromHTML; let%lwt installedVersions = Remote.getInstalledVersionSet(); versions |> Core.List.filter(~f=x => Str.last_chars(x, 1) == "/" && Str.first_chars(x, 1) != "." ) |> => Str.first_chars(x, String.length(x) - 1)) |> List.sort( |> => Remote.{ name, installed: VersionSet.find_opt(name, installedVersions) != None, baseURL: "" ++ name ++ "/", } ) |> Lwt.return; }; type t = | Alias(string) | Local(string); let parse = version => { let formattedVersion = format(version); let aliasPath = Aliases.toDirectory(version); let versionPath = Local.toDirectory(formattedVersion); let%lwt aliasExists = Lwt_unix.file_exists(aliasPath) and versionExists = Lwt_unix.file_exists(versionPath); switch (versionExists, aliasExists) { | (true, _) => Some(Local(formattedVersion)) |> Lwt.return | (_, true) => Some(Alias(version)) |> Lwt.return | (false, false) => Lwt.return_none }; }; let throwIfInstalled = versionName => { let%lwt installedVersions = try%lwt (getInstalledVersions()) { | _ => Lwt.return([]) }; let isAlreadyInstalled = installedVersions |> List.exists(x => Local.( == versionName)); if (isAlreadyInstalled) {; } else { Lwt.return(); }; };