import { script } from "./shellcode/script" import { Bash, Fish, PowerShell, WinCmd, Zsh } from "./shellcode/shells" import fs from "node:fs/promises" import path from "node:path" import describe from "./describe" import testNodeVersion from "./shellcode/test-node-version" import testBinDir from "./shellcode/test-bin-dir" for (const shell of [Bash, Fish, PowerShell, WinCmd, Zsh]) { describe(shell, () => { // latest bash breaks this as it seems. gotta find a solution. const t = process.platform === "darwin" && shell === Bash ? test.skip : test t(`switches to system node`, async () => { const customNode = path.join(testBinDir(), "node") if ( process.platform === "win32" && [WinCmd, PowerShell].includes(shell) ) { await fs.writeFile(customNode + ".cmd", '@echo "custom node"') } else { await fs.writeFile(customNode, `#!/bin/bash\n\necho "custom"\n`) // set executable await fs.chmod(customNode, 0o766) } await script(shell) .then(shell.env({})) .then("fnm", ["install", "v10.10.0"])) .then("fnm", ["use", "v10"])) .then(testNodeVersion(shell, "v10.10.0")) .then("fnm", ["use", "system"])) .then(testNodeVersion(shell, "custom")) .execute(shell) }) }) }