opam-version: "2.0" maintainer: "anil@recoil.org" authors: [ "Anil Madhavapeddy" "Stefano Zacchiroli" "David Sheets" "Thomas Gazagnaire" "David Scott" "Rudi Grinberg" "Andy Ray" ] synopsis: "CoHTTP implementation for Unix and Windows using Lwt" description: """ An implementation of an HTTP client and server using the Lwt concurrency library. See the `Cohttp_lwt_unix` module for information on how to use this. The package also installs `cohttp-curl-lwt` and a `cohttp-server-lwt` binaries for quick uses of a HTTP(S) client and server respectively. Although the name implies that this only works under Unix, it should also be fine under Windows too.""" license: "ISC" tags: ["org:mirage" "org:xapi-project"] homepage: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp" doc: "https://mirage.github.io/ocaml-cohttp/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.04.1"} "dune" {build & >= "1.1.0"} "conduit-lwt-unix" {>= "1.0.3"} "cmdliner" "magic-mime" "logs" "fmt" {>= "0.8.2"} "cohttp-lwt" "lwt" {>= "3.0.0"} "base-unix" "ounit" {with-test} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {pinned} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp.git" url { src: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp/releases/download/v2.0.0/cohttp-v2.0.0.tbz" checksum: "md5=c354599fdb4f2625b6510182de0fc86b" }