use crate::arch::Arch; use crate::archive; use crate::archive::{Error as ExtractError, Extract}; use crate::directory_portal::DirectoryPortal; use crate::version::Version; use log::debug; use snafu::{ensure, OptionExt, ResultExt, Snafu}; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use url::Url; #[derive(Debug, Snafu)] pub enum Error { HttpError { source: crate::http::Error, }, IoError { source: std::io::Error, }, #[snafu(display("Can't extract the file: {}", source))] CantExtractFile { source: ExtractError, }, #[snafu(display("The downloaded archive is empty"))] TarIsEmpty, #[snafu(display( "{} for {} not found upstream.\nYou can `fnm ls-remote` to see available versions or try a different `--arch`.", version, arch ))] VersionNotFound { version: Version, arch: Arch, }, #[snafu(display("Version already installed at {:?}", path))] VersionAlreadyInstalled { path: PathBuf, }, } #[cfg(unix)] fn filename_for_version(version: &Version, arch: &Arch) -> String { format!( "node-{node_ver}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.xz", node_ver = &version, platform = crate::system_info::platform_name(), arch = arch, ) } #[cfg(windows)] fn filename_for_version(version: &Version, arch: &Arch) -> String { format!( "node-{node_ver}-win-{arch}.zip", node_ver = &version, arch = arch, ) } fn download_url(base_url: &Url, version: &Version, arch: &Arch) -> Url { Url::parse(&format!( "{}/{}/{}", base_url.as_str().trim_end_matches('/'), version, filename_for_version(version, arch) )) .unwrap() } pub fn extract_archive_into>( path: P, response: crate::http::Response, ) -> Result<(), Error> { #[cfg(unix)] let extractor = archive::TarXz::new(response); #[cfg(windows)] let extractor = archive::Zip::new(response); extractor.extract_into(path).context(CantExtractFile)?; Ok(()) } /// Install a Node package pub fn install_node_dist>( version: &Version, node_dist_mirror: &Url, installations_dir: P, arch: &Arch, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let installation_dir = PathBuf::from(installations_dir.as_ref()).join(version.v_str()); ensure!( !installation_dir.exists(), VersionAlreadyInstalled { path: installation_dir } ); std::fs::create_dir_all(installations_dir.as_ref()).context(IoError)?; let temp_installations_dir = installations_dir.as_ref().join(".downloads"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&temp_installations_dir).context(IoError)?; let portal = DirectoryPortal::new_in(&temp_installations_dir, installation_dir); let url = download_url(node_dist_mirror, version, arch); debug!("Going to call for {}", &url); let response = crate::http::get(url.as_str()).context(HttpError)?; if response.status() == 404 { return Err(Error::VersionNotFound { version: version.clone(), arch: arch.clone(), }); } debug!("Extracting response..."); extract_archive_into(&portal, response)?; debug!("Extraction completed"); let installed_directory = std::fs::read_dir(&portal) .context(IoError)? .next() .context(TarIsEmpty)? .context(IoError)?; let installed_directory = installed_directory.path(); let renamed_installation_dir = portal.join("installation"); std::fs::rename(installed_directory, renamed_installation_dir).context(IoError)?; portal.teleport().context(IoError)?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::downloader::install_node_dist; use crate::version::Version; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use tempfile::tempdir; #[test_log::test] fn test_installing_node_12() { let installations_dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let node_path = install_in(installations_dir.path()).join("node"); let stdout = duct::cmd(node_path.to_str().unwrap(), vec!["--version"]) .stdout_capture() .run() .expect("Can't run Node binary") .stdout; let result = String::from_utf8(stdout).expect("Can't read `node --version` output"); assert_eq!(result.trim(), "v12.0.0"); } #[test_log::test] fn test_installing_npm() { let installations_dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let npm_path = install_in(installations_dir.path()).join(if cfg!(windows) { "npm.cmd" } else { "npm" }); let stdout = duct::cmd(npm_path.to_str().unwrap(), vec!["--version"]) .stdout_capture() .run() .expect("Can't run npm") .stdout; let result = String::from_utf8(stdout).expect("Can't read npm output"); assert_eq!(result.trim(), "6.9.0"); } fn install_in(path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let version = Version::parse("12.0.0").unwrap(); let arch = Arch::X64; let node_dist_mirror = Url::parse("").unwrap(); install_node_dist(&version, &node_dist_mirror, &path, &arch) .expect("Can't install Node 12"); let mut location_path = path.join(version.v_str()).join("installation"); if cfg!(unix) { location_path.push("bin"); } location_path } }