opam-version: "2.0" synopsis: "Promises and event-driven I/O" license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt" doc: "https://ocsigen.org/lwt/manual/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues" authors: [ "Jérôme Vouillon" "Jérémie Dimino" ] maintainer: [ "Anton Bachin " "Mauricio Fernandez " "Simon Cruanes " ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt.git" depends: [ "cppo" {build & >= "1.1.0"} "dune" "mmap" # mmap is needed as long as Lwt supports OCaml < 4.06.0. "ocaml" {>= "4.02.0"} "result" # result is needed as long as Lwt supports OCaml 4.02. "seq" # seq is needed as long as Lwt supports OCaml < 4.07.0. "bisect_ppx" {dev & >= "1.3.0"} "ocamlfind" {dev & >= "1.7.3-1"} ] depopts: [ "base-threads" "base-unix" "conf-libev" ] conflicts: [ "ocaml-variants" {= "4.02.1+BER"} ] build: [ ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ] description: "A promise is a value that may become determined in the future. Lwt provides typed, composable promises. Promises that are resolved by I/O are resolved by Lwt in parallel. Meanwhile, OCaml code, including code creating and waiting on promises, runs in a single thread by default. This reduces the need for locks or other synchronization primitives. Code can be run in parallel on an opt-in basis." url { src: "https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/archive/4.2.1.tar.gz" checksum: "md5=9d648386ca0a9978eb9487de36b781cc" }