let version = Fnm.Fnm__Package.version; module Commands = { let use = (version, quiet) => Lwt_main.run(Use.run(~version, ~quiet)); let alias = (version, name) => Lwt_main.run(Alias.run(~name, ~version)); let listRemote = () => Lwt_main.run(ListRemote.run()); let listLocal = () => Lwt_main.run(ListLocal.run()); let install = version => Lwt_main.run(Install.run(~version)); let uninstall = version => Lwt_main.run(Uninstall.run(~version)); let env = ( isFishShell, isMultishell, nodeDistMirror, fnmDir, shell, useOnCd, logLevel, ) => Lwt_main.run( Env.run( ~forceShell=Fnm.System.Shell.(isFishShell ? Some(Fish) : shell), ~multishell=isMultishell, ~nodeDistMirror, ~fnmDir, ~useOnCd, ~logLevel, ), ); }; open Cmdliner; let help_secs = [ `S(Manpage.s_common_options), `S(Manpage.s_environment), `P("These options are common to all commands."), `S("MORE HELP"), `P("Use `$(mname) $(i,COMMAND) --help' for help on a single command."), `Noblank, `S(Manpage.s_bugs), `P("File bug reports at https://github.com/Schniz/fnm"), ]; let envs = Fnm.Config.getDocs() |> List.map(envVar => Fnm.Config.( Term.env_info( ~doc= Printf.sprintf( "%s\ndefaults to \"%s\"", envVar.doc, envVar.default, ), envVar.name, ) ) ); let install = { let doc = "Install another node version"; let man = []; let selectedVersion = { let doc = "Install another version specified in $(docv)."; Arg.( value & pos(0, some(string), None) & info([], ~docv="VERSION", ~doc) ); }; ( Term.(const(Commands.install) $ selectedVersion), Term.info("install", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man), ); }; let uninstall = { let doc = "Uninstall a node version"; let man = []; let selectedVersion = { let doc = "Uninstall the node version specified in $(docv)."; Arg.( required & pos(0, some(string), None) & info([], ~docv="VERSION", ~doc) ); }; ( Term.(const(Commands.uninstall) $ selectedVersion), Term.info("uninstall", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man), ); }; let listLocal = { let doc = "List all the installed versions"; let man = []; ( Term.(app(const(Commands.listLocal), const())), Term.info("ls", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man), ); }; let listRemote = { let doc = "List all the versions upstream"; let man = []; ( Term.(app(const(Commands.listRemote), const())), Term.info("ls-remote", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man), ); }; let use = { let doc = "Switch to another installed node version"; let man = []; let quiet = { let doc = "Don't print stuff"; Arg.(value & flag & info(["quiet"], ~doc)); }; let selectedVersion = { let doc = "Switch to version $(docv).\nLeave empty to look for value from an `.nvmrc` or `.node-version` file"; Arg.( value & pos(0, some(string), None) & info([], ~docv="VERSION", ~doc) ); }; ( Term.(const(Commands.use) $ selectedVersion $ quiet), Term.info("use", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man), ); }; let alias = { let doc = "Alias a version"; let sdocs = Manpage.s_common_options; let man = help_secs; let selectedVersion = { let doc = "The version to be aliased"; Arg.( required & pos(0, some(string), None) & info([], ~docv="VERSION", ~doc) ); }; let aliasName = { let doc = "The alias name"; Arg.( required & pos(1, some(string), None) & info([], ~docv="NAME", ~doc) ); }; ( Term.(const(Commands.alias) $ selectedVersion $ aliasName), Term.info( "alias", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man, ~sdocs, ), ); }; let env = { let doc = "Show env configurations"; let sdocs = Manpage.s_common_options; let man = help_secs; let isFishShell = { let doc = "Output an env configuration for fish shell."; Arg.(value & flag & info(["fish"], ~doc)); }; let shell = { open Fnm.System.Shell; let doc = "Specifies a specific shell type. If omitted, it will be inferred based on the process tree. $(docv)"; let shellChoices = Arg.enum([("fish", Fish), ("bash", Bash), ("zsh", Zsh)]); Arg.(value & opt(some(shellChoices), None) & info(["shell"], ~doc)); }; let nodeDistMirror = { let doc = "https://nodejs.org/dist mirror"; Arg.( value & opt(string, "https://nodejs.org/dist") & info(["node-dist-mirror"], ~doc) ); }; let fnmDir = { let doc = "The directory to store internal fnm data"; Arg.( value & opt(string, Fnm.Config.FNM_DIR.get()) & info(["fnm-dir"], ~doc) ); }; let isMultishell = { let doc = "Allow different Node versions for each shell"; Arg.(value & flag & info(["multi"], ~doc)); }; let useOnCd = { let doc = "Hook into the shell `cd` and automatically use the specified version for the project"; Arg.(value & flag & info(["use-on-cd"], ~doc)); }; let logLevel = { let doc = "The log level of fnm commands, can be 'quiet', 'error' or 'all'"; Arg.( value & opt( enum([ ("quiet", Fnm.LogLevel.Quiet), ("error", Fnm.LogLevel.Error), ("info", Fnm.LogLevel.Info), ("all", Fnm.LogLevel.Debug), ("debug", Fnm.LogLevel.Debug), ]), Fnm.Config.FNM_LOGLEVEL.get(), ) & info(["log-level"], ~doc) ); }; ( Term.( const(Commands.env) $ isFishShell $ isMultishell $ nodeDistMirror $ fnmDir $ shell $ useOnCd $ logLevel ), Term.info("env", ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man, ~sdocs), ); }; let defaultCmd = { let doc = "Manage Node.js installations"; let sdocs = Manpage.s_common_options; let man = help_secs; ( Term.(ret(const(_ => `Help((`Pager, None))) $ const())), Term.info( "fnm", ~envs, ~version, ~doc, ~exits=Term.default_exits, ~man, ~sdocs, ), ); }; let _ = Term.eval_choice( defaultCmd, [install, uninstall, use, alias, listLocal, listRemote, env], ) |> Term.exit;