// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Bash deletes the multishell upon shell exit: Bash 1`] = ` "set -e eval "$(fnm env --delete-on-exit)" echo $FNM_MULTISHELL_PATH > multishell_path" `; exports[`Bash outputs json: Bash 1`] = ` "set -e fnm env --json > file.json" `; exports[`Fish deletes the multishell upon shell exit: Fish 1`] = ` "fnm env --delete-on-exit | source echo $FNM_MULTISHELL_PATH > multishell_path" `; exports[`Fish outputs json: Fish 1`] = `"fnm env --json > file.json"`; exports[`PowerShell deletes the multishell upon shell exit: PowerShell 1`] = ` "$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" fnm env --delete-on-exit | Out-String | Invoke-Expression echo $env:FNM_MULTISHELL_PATH | Out-File multishell_path -Encoding UTF8" `; exports[`PowerShell outputs json: PowerShell 1`] = ` "$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" fnm env --json | Out-File file.json -Encoding UTF8" `; exports[`Zsh deletes the multishell upon shell exit: Zsh 1`] = ` "set -e eval "$(fnm env --delete-on-exit)" echo $FNM_MULTISHELL_PATH > multishell_path" `; exports[`Zsh outputs json: Zsh 1`] = ` "set -e fnm env --json > file.json" `;