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use crate::version_file_strategy::VersionFileStrategy;
use super::Shell;
use indoc::{formatdoc, indoc};
use std::path::Path;
pub struct PowerShell;
impl Shell for PowerShell {
fn path(&self, path: &Path) -> String {
let current_path = std::env::var_os("PATH").expect("Can't read PATH env var");
let mut split_paths: Vec<_> = std::env::split_paths(&current_path).collect();
split_paths.insert(0, path.to_path_buf());
let new_path = std::env::join_paths(split_paths).expect("Can't join paths");
self.set_env_var("PATH", new_path.to_str().expect("Can't read PATH"))
fn set_env_var(&self, name: &str, value: &str) -> String {
format!(r#"$env:{} = "{}""#, name, value)
fn use_on_cd(&self, config: &crate::config::FnmConfig) -> String {
let autoload_hook = match config.version_file_strategy() {
VersionFileStrategy::Local => indoc!(
If ((Test-Path .nvmrc) -Or (Test-Path .node-version)) { & fnm use --silent-if-unchanged }
VersionFileStrategy::Recursive => r#"fnm use --silent-if-unchanged"#,
function Set-FnmOnLoad {{ {autoload_hook} }}
function Set-LocationWithFnm {{ param($path); Set-Location $path; Set-FnmOnLoad }}
Set-Alias cd_with_fnm Set-LocationWithFnm -Force
Remove-Item alias:\cd
New-Alias cd Set-LocationWithFnm
autoload_hook = autoload_hook
fn to_clap_shell(&self) -> clap_complete::Shell {