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49 lines
1.6 KiB

opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl>"
authors: ["The ptime programmers"]
homepage: ""
doc: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
bug-reports: ""
tags: [ "time" "posix" "system" "org:erratique" ]
license: "ISC"
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.01.0"}
"ocamlfind" {build}
"ocamlbuild" {build}
"topkg" {build}
depopts: [ "js_of_ocaml" ]
conflicts: [ "js_of_ocaml" { < "3.3.0" } ]
"ocaml" "pkg/" "build"
"--pinned" "%{pinned}%"
"--with-js_of_ocaml" "%{js_of_ocaml:installed}%" ]]
synopsis: """POSIX time for OCaml"""
description: """\
Ptime has platform independent POSIX time support in pure OCaml. It
provides a type to represent a well-defined range of POSIX timestamps
with picosecond precision, conversion with date-time values,
conversion with [RFC 3339 timestamps][rfc3339] and pretty printing to a
human-readable, locale-independent representation.
The additional Ptime_clock library provides access to a system POSIX
clock and to the system's current time zone offset.
Ptime is not a calendar library.
Ptime depends on the `result` compatibility package. Ptime_clock
depends on your system library. Ptime_clock's optional JavaScript
support depends on [js_of_ocaml][jsoo]. Ptime and its libraries are
distributed under the ISC license.
url {
archive: ""
checksum: "4d48055d623ecf2db792439b3e96a520"