die () { echo $@ ; exit 1; }
\. ../../../nvm.sh
\. ../../common.sh
# Invalid version numbers fail
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary ""
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "foo"
# "Invalid" node version numbers fail
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "v1.0.0"
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "v3.3.1"
# Valid io.js version numbers that have a Solaris binary fail
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "iojs-v3.3.1"
# Invvalid io.js version numbers fail
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "iojs-v0.12.7"
# Valid node version numbers that don't have a Solaris binary fail
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "v0.8.5"
# Valid node version numbers that have a Solaris binary succeed
assert_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "v0.8.6"
assert_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "v0.10.0"
assert_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "v0.12.7"
# Valid "merged" version numbers fail, because they're not
# considered node version numbers
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "v4.0.0"
assert_not_ok node_version_has_solaris_binary "v4.1.1"