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Merge pull request #568 from mklement0/fix_make_file

Fixed Urchin invocation problem in zsh and dash.  Makefile "future-proofed" to take advantage of true cross-shell testing with Urchin, once available.
Jordan Harband 11 years ago
  1. 9


@ -17,9 +17,13 @@ SHELLS := sh bash dash ksh zsh @@ -17,9 +17,13 @@ SHELLS := sh bash dash ksh zsh
# Generate 'test-<shell>' target names from specified shells.
# The embedded shell names are extracted on demand inside the recipes.
SHELL_TARGETS := $(addprefix test-,$(SHELLS))
# Determine if the installed Urchin version supports cross-shell testing, based on whether its usage information mentions the -s option.
HAVE_CROSS_SHELL_TESTS := $(shell PATH="$(PATH)" $(URCHIN) -h | grep -qE '(^|\s)-s\s' && echo 'yes')
NO_CROSS_SHELL_TESTS_WARNING := $(if $(HAVE_CROSS_SHELL_TESTS),,$(warning WARNING: This version of Urchin does not support cross-shell tests. All tests will run with 'sh'.))
# Define the default test suite(s). This can be overridden with `make TEST_SUITE=<...> <target>`.
# Test suites are the names of subfolders of './test'.
TEST_SUITE := $(shell find ./test -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec basename {} +)
TEST_SUITE := $(shell find ./test/* -type d -prune -exec basename {} \;)
# Default target (by virtue of being the first non '.'-prefixed in the file).
.PHONY: _no-target-specified
@ -38,7 +42,8 @@ $(SHELL_TARGETS): @@ -38,7 +42,8 @@ $(SHELL_TARGETS):
@shell='$@'; shell=$${shell##*-}; which "$$shell" >/dev/null || { printf '\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n' "WARNING: Cannot test with shell '$$shell': not found." >&2; exit 0; } && \
printf '\n\033[0;34m%s\033[0m\n' "Running tests in $$shell"; \
[ -z "$$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" ] && for v in $$(export -p | awk -F'[ =]' '$$2 ~ "^NVM_" { print $$2 }'); do unset $$v; done && unset v; \
for suite in $(TEST_SUITE); do $$shell $(URCHIN) -f test/$$suite || exit; done
[ "$(HAVE_CROSS_SHELL_TESTS)" = 'yes' ] && targetShellOpt="-s $$shell" || targetShellOpt=; \
for suite in $(TEST_SUITE); do $(URCHIN) -f $$targetShellOpt test/$$suite || exit; done
# All-tests target: invokes the specified test suites for ALL shells defined in $(SHELLS).
.PHONY: test
