1. This can help speed up the apt process since we decrease the
complexity of apt sources and package dependencies resolving by dropping
an additional ppa source.
2. Stack doesn't update ShellCheck to v0.4.5 after it has been released
more than one month, Cabal can provide ShellCheck v0.4.5
- Use Travis CI apt addon source whitelist to load apt source
- Use Travis CI apt addon to install additional packages
This can prevent duplicating apt package list update and dependencies
calculation which means it can speed up the CI build.
- Using `npm test` and `npm run …` scripts defined in package.json now invokes the makefile and runs the test with the same shell that npm was invoked from.
- The makefile can now be invoked directly - supporting utilities from locally installed npm packages are automatically discovered.
- Invoking the makefile without a target errors out with a hint.
- Shell-specific test targets are now named 'test-<shell>'.
- Both 'test-<shell>' targets and the all-shells 'test' target now run all test suites by default.
- On `make TAG=<new-version> release` there must be no uncommitted changes. '<new-version>' can now also be one of the following increment specifiers: 'patch', 'minor', 'major'.
- It is ensure that <new-version>, if not an increment specifier, is a valid semver version number that is higher than the previous release's.
- The previous release tag is now located with a pattern so as to exclude tags that aren't version numbers.
- Switched from lightweight to annotated tags for releases.