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die () { echo $@ ; cleanup ; exit 1; }
cleanup () {
rm -rf ../../v0.10.4
mkdir ../../v0.10.4
. ../../
nvm deactivate >/dev/null 2>&1
INSTALL_ERROR_MSG="$(nvm install v0.10.5 --copy-packages-from=0.11 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_ERROR_MSG="If --copy-packages-from is provided, it must point to an installed version of node."
|| die ""nvm install --copy-packages" should fail when given an uninstalled version: expected '$EXPECTED_ERROR_MSG', got '$INSTALL_ERROR_MSG'"
INSTALL_EXIT_CODE="$(nvm install v0.10.5 --copy-packages-from=0.11 >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)"
[ "~$INSTALL_EXIT_CODE" = "~5" ] \
|| die ""nvm install --copy-packages" should exit with code 5 when given an uninstalled version, got $INSTALL_EXIT_CODE"
INSTALL_ERROR_MSG="$(nvm install v0.10.5 --copy-packages-from=0.10.5 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_ERROR_MSG="You can't copy global packages from the same version of node you're installing."
|| die ""nvm install --copy-packages" should fail when given the same version: expected '$EXPECTED_ERROR_MSG', got '$INSTALL_ERROR_MSG'"
INSTALL_EXIT_CODE="$(nvm install v0.10.5 --copy-packages-from=0.10.5 >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)"
[ "~$INSTALL_EXIT_CODE" = "~4" ] \
|| die ""nvm install --copy-packages" should exit with code 4 when given the same version, got $INSTALL_EXIT_CODE"