7 changed files with 2742 additions and 585 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,16 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
#!/bin/bash |
shift 2 |
shift |
sha1sum $@ |
ALGO=$1 |
shift |
case $ALGO in |
1) |
sha1sum $@ |
;; |
256) |
sha256sum $@ |
;; |
*) |
>&2 echo "Algorithm $ALGO not found" |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
@ -1,463 +0,0 @@ |
--- ./Makefile
+++ ./Makefile
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
rm -f man/ocamlbuild.1
man/options_man.byte: src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo
- $(OCAMLC) $^ -I src man/options_man.ml -o man/options_man.byte
+ $(OCAMLC) -I +unix unix.cma $^ -I src man/options_man.ml -o man/options_man.byte
rm -f man/options_man.cm*
--- ./src/command.ml
+++ ./src/command.ml
@@ -148,9 +148,10 @@
let self = string_of_command_spec_with_calls call_with_tags call_with_target resolve_virtuals in
let b = Buffer.create 256 in
(* The best way to prevent bash from switching to its windows-style
- * quote-handling is to prepend an empty string before the command name. *)
+ * quote-handling is to prepend an empty string before the command name.
+ * space seems to work, too - and the ouput is nicer *)
if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
- Buffer.add_string b "''";
+ Buffer.add_char b ' ';
let first = ref true in
let put_space () =
if !first then
@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@
let execute_many ?(quiet=false) ?(pretend=false) cmds =
add_parallel_stat (List.length cmds);
- let degraded = !*My_unix.is_degraded || Sys.os_type = "Win32" in
+ let degraded = !*My_unix.is_degraded in
let jobs = !jobs in
if jobs < 0 then invalid_arg "jobs < 0";
let max_jobs = if jobs = 0 then None else Some jobs in
--- ./src/findlib.ml
+++ ./src/findlib.ml
@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@
(fun command -> lexer & Lexing.from_string & run_and_read command)
-let run_and_read command =
- Printf.ksprintf run_and_read command
let rec query name =
Hashtbl.find packages name
@@ -135,7 +132,8 @@
with Not_found -> s
let list () =
- List.map before_space (split_nl & run_and_read "%s list" ocamlfind)
+ let cmd = Shell.quote_filename_if_needed ocamlfind ^ " list" in
+ List.map before_space (split_nl & run_and_read cmd)
(* The closure algorithm is easy because the dependencies are already closed
and sorted for each package. We only have to make the union. We could also
--- ./src/main.ml
+++ ./src/main.ml
@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@
Tags.mem "traverse" tags
|| List.exists (Pathname.is_prefix path_name) !Options.include_dirs
|| List.exists (Pathname.is_prefix path_name) target_dirs)
+ && ((* beware: !Options.build_dir is an absolute directory *)
+ Pathname.normalize !Options.build_dir
+ <> Pathname.normalize (Pathname.pwd/path_name))
--- ./src/my_std.ml
+++ ./src/my_std.ml
@@ -271,13 +271,107 @@
try Array.iter (fun x -> if x = basename then raise Exit) a; false
with Exit -> true
+let command_plain = function
+| [| |] -> 0
+| margv ->
+ let rec waitpid a b =
+ match Unix.waitpid a b with
+ | exception (Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EINTR,_,_)) -> waitpid a b
+ | x -> x
+ in
+ let pid = Unix.(create_process margv.(0) margv stdin stdout stderr) in
+ let pid', process_status = waitpid [] pid in
+ assert (pid = pid');
+ match process_status with
+ | Unix.WEXITED n -> n
+ | Unix.WSIGNALED _ -> 2 (* like OCaml's uncaught exceptions *)
+ | Unix.WSTOPPED _ -> 127
+(* can't use Lexers because of circular dependency *)
+let split_path_win str =
+ let rec aux pos =
+ try
+ let i = String.index_from str pos ';' in
+ let len = i - pos in
+ if len = 0 then
+ aux (succ i)
+ else
+ String.sub str pos (i - pos) :: aux (succ i)
+ with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ ->
+ let len = String.length str - pos in
+ if len = 0 then [] else [String.sub str pos len]
+ in
+ aux 0
+let windows_shell = lazy begin
+ let rec iter = function
+ | [] -> [| "bash.exe" ; "--norc" ; "--noprofile" |]
+ | hd::tl ->
+ let dash = Filename.concat hd "dash.exe" in
+ if Sys.file_exists dash then [|dash|] else
+ let bash = Filename.concat hd "bash.exe" in
+ if Sys.file_exists bash = false then iter tl else
+ (* if sh.exe and bash.exe exist in the same dir, choose sh.exe *)
+ let sh = Filename.concat hd "sh.exe" in
+ if Sys.file_exists sh then [|sh|] else [|bash ; "--norc" ; "--noprofile"|]
+ in
+ split_path_win (try Sys.getenv "PATH" with Not_found -> "") |> iter
+let prep_windows_cmd cmd =
+ (* workaround known ocaml bug, remove later *)
+ if String.contains cmd '\t' && String.contains cmd ' ' = false then
+ " " ^ cmd
+ else
+ cmd
+let run_with_shell = function
+| "" -> 0
+| cmd ->
+ let cmd = prep_windows_cmd cmd in
+ let shell = Lazy.force windows_shell in
+ let qlen = Filename.quote cmd |> String.length in
+ (* old versions of dash had problems with bs *)
+ try
+ if qlen < 7_900 then
+ command_plain (Array.append shell [| "-ec" ; cmd |])
+ else begin
+ (* it can still work, if the called command is a cygwin tool *)
+ let ch_closed = ref false in
+ let file_deleted = ref false in
+ let fln,ch =
+ Filename.open_temp_file
+ ~mode:[Open_binary]
+ "ocamlbuildtmp"
+ ".sh"
+ in
+ try
+ let f_slash = String.map ( fun x -> if x = '\\' then '/' else x ) fln in
+ output_string ch cmd;
+ ch_closed:= true;
+ close_out ch;
+ let ret = command_plain (Array.append shell [| "-e" ; f_slash |]) in
+ file_deleted:= true;
+ Sys.remove fln;
+ ret
+ with
+ | x ->
+ if !ch_closed = false then
+ close_out_noerr ch;
+ if !file_deleted = false then
+ (try Sys.remove fln with _ -> ());
+ raise x
+ end
+ with
+ | (Unix.Unix_error _) as x ->
+ (* Sys.command doesn't raise an exception, so run_with_shell also won't
+ raise *)
+ Printexc.to_string x ^ ":" ^ cmd |> prerr_endline;
+ 1
let sys_command =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Win32" -> fun cmd ->
- if cmd = "" then 0 else
- let cmd = "bash --norc -c " ^ Filename.quote cmd in
- Sys.command cmd
- | _ -> fun cmd -> if cmd = "" then 0 else Sys.command cmd
+ if Sys.win32 then run_with_shell
+ else fun cmd -> if cmd = "" then 0 else Sys.command cmd
(* FIXME warning fix and use Filename.concat *)
let filename_concat x y =
--- ./src/my_std.mli
+++ ./src/my_std.mli
@@ -69,3 +69,6 @@
val split_ocaml_version : (int * int * int * string) option
(** (major, minor, patchlevel, rest) *)
+val windows_shell : string array Lazy.t
+val prep_windows_cmd : string -> string
--- ./src/ocamlbuild_executor.ml
+++ ./src/ocamlbuild_executor.ml
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
job_stdin : out_channel;
job_stderr : in_channel;
job_buffer : Buffer.t;
+ job_pid : int;
+ job_tmp_file: string option;
mutable job_dying : bool;
@@ -76,6 +78,61 @@
loop 0
+let open_process_full_win cmd env =
+ let (in_read, in_write) = Unix.pipe () in
+ let (out_read, out_write) = Unix.pipe () in
+ let (err_read, err_write) = Unix.pipe () in
+ Unix.set_close_on_exec in_read;
+ Unix.set_close_on_exec out_write;
+ Unix.set_close_on_exec err_read;
+ let inchan = Unix.in_channel_of_descr in_read in
+ let outchan = Unix.out_channel_of_descr out_write in
+ let errchan = Unix.in_channel_of_descr err_read in
+ let shell = Lazy.force Ocamlbuild_pack.My_std.windows_shell in
+ let test_cmd =
+ String.concat " " (List.map Filename.quote (Array.to_list shell)) ^
+ "-ec " ^
+ Filename.quote (Ocamlbuild_pack.My_std.prep_windows_cmd cmd) in
+ let argv,tmp_file =
+ if String.length test_cmd < 7_900 then
+ Array.append
+ shell
+ [| "-ec" ; Ocamlbuild_pack.My_std.prep_windows_cmd cmd |],None
+ else
+ let fln,ch = Filename.open_temp_file ~mode:[Open_binary] "ocamlbuild" ".sh" in
+ output_string ch (Ocamlbuild_pack.My_std.prep_windows_cmd cmd);
+ close_out ch;
+ let fln' = String.map (function '\\' -> '/' | c -> c) fln in
+ Array.append
+ shell
+ [| "-c" ; fln' |], Some fln in
+ let pid =
+ Unix.create_process_env argv.(0) argv env out_read in_write err_write in
+ Unix.close out_read;
+ Unix.close in_write;
+ Unix.close err_write;
+ (pid, inchan, outchan, errchan,tmp_file)
+let close_process_full_win (pid,inchan, outchan, errchan, tmp_file) =
+ let delete tmp_file =
+ match tmp_file with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some x -> try Sys.remove x with Sys_error _ -> () in
+ let tmp_file_deleted = ref false in
+ try
+ close_in inchan;
+ close_out outchan;
+ close_in errchan;
+ let res = snd(Unix.waitpid [] pid) in
+ tmp_file_deleted := true;
+ delete tmp_file;
+ res
+ with
+ | x when tmp_file <> None && !tmp_file_deleted = false ->
+ delete tmp_file;
+ raise x
(* ***)
(*** execute *)
(* XXX: Add test for non reentrancy *)
@@ -130,10 +187,16 @@
(*** add_job *)
let add_job cmd rest result id =
(*display begin fun oc -> fp oc "Job %a is %s\n%!" print_job_id id cmd; end;*)
- let (stdout', stdin', stderr') = open_process_full cmd env in
+ let (pid,stdout', stdin', stderr', tmp_file) =
+ if Sys.win32 then open_process_full_win cmd env else
+ let a,b,c = open_process_full cmd env in
+ -1,a,b,c,None
+ in
incr jobs_active;
- set_nonblock (doi stdout');
- set_nonblock (doi stderr');
+ if not Sys.win32 then (
+ set_nonblock (doi stdout');
+ set_nonblock (doi stderr');
+ );
let job =
{ job_id = id;
job_command = cmd;
@@ -143,7 +206,9 @@
job_stdin = stdin';
job_stderr = stderr';
job_buffer = Buffer.create 1024;
- job_dying = false }
+ job_dying = false;
+ job_tmp_file = tmp_file;
+ job_pid = pid }
outputs := FDM.add (doi stdout') job (FDM.add (doi stderr') job !outputs);
jobs := JS.add job !jobs;
@@ -199,6 +264,7 @@
read fd u 0 (Bytes.length u)
+ | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE,_,_) when Sys.win32 -> 0
| Unix.Unix_error(e,_,_) ->
let msg = error_message e in
display (fun oc -> fp oc
@@ -241,14 +307,19 @@
decr jobs_active;
(* PR#5371: we would get EAGAIN below otherwise *)
- clear_nonblock (doi job.job_stdout);
- clear_nonblock (doi job.job_stderr);
+ if not Sys.win32 then (
+ clear_nonblock (doi job.job_stdout);
+ clear_nonblock (doi job.job_stderr);
+ );
do_read ~loop:true (doi job.job_stdout) job;
do_read ~loop:true (doi job.job_stderr) job;
outputs := FDM.remove (doi job.job_stdout) (FDM.remove (doi job.job_stderr) !outputs);
jobs := JS.remove job !jobs;
- let status = close_process_full (job.job_stdout, job.job_stdin, job.job_stderr) in
+ let status =
+ if Sys.win32 then
+ close_process_full_win (job.job_pid, job.job_stdout, job.job_stdin, job.job_stderr, job.job_tmp_file)
+ else
+ close_process_full (job.job_stdout, job.job_stdin, job.job_stderr) in
let shown = ref false in
--- ./src/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.ml
+++ ./src/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.ml
@@ -48,12 +48,22 @@
let run_and_open s kont =
+ let s_orig = s in
+ let s =
+ (* Be consistent! My_unix.run_and_open uses My_std.sys_command and
+ sys_command uses bash. *)
+ if Sys.win32 = false then s else
+ let l = match Lazy.force My_std.windows_shell |> Array.to_list with
+ | hd::tl -> (Filename.quote hd)::tl
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ "\"" ^ (String.concat " " l) ^ " -ec " ^ Filename.quote (" " ^ s) ^ "\""
+ in
let ic = Unix.open_process_in s in
let close () =
match Unix.close_process_in ic with
| Unix.WEXITED 0 -> ()
| Unix.WEXITED _ | Unix.WSIGNALED _ | Unix.WSTOPPED _ ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Error while running: %s" s) in
+ failwith (Printf.sprintf "Error while running: %s" s_orig) in
let res = try
kont ic
with e -> (close (); raise e)
--- ./src/options.ml
+++ ./src/options.ml
@@ -174,11 +174,24 @@
build_dir := Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) s
build_dir := s
+let slashify =
+ if Sys.win32 then fun p -> String.map (function '\\' -> '/' | x -> x) p
+ else fun p ->p
+let sb () =
+ match Sys.os_type with
+ | "Win32" ->
+ (try set_binary_mode_out stdout true with _ -> ());
+ | _ -> ()
let spec = ref (
let print_version () =
+ sb ();
Printf.printf "ocamlbuild %s\n%!" Ocamlbuild_config.version; raise Exit_OK
- let print_vnum () = print_endline Ocamlbuild_config.version; raise Exit_OK in
+ let print_vnum () = sb (); print_endline Ocamlbuild_config.version; raise Exit_OK in
"-version", Unit print_version , " Display the version";
@@ -257,8 +270,8 @@
"-build-dir", String set_build_dir, "<path> Set build directory (implies no-links)";
"-install-lib-dir", Set_string Ocamlbuild_where.libdir, "<path> Set the install library directory";
"-install-bin-dir", Set_string Ocamlbuild_where.bindir, "<path> Set the install binary directory";
- "-where", Unit (fun () -> print_endline !Ocamlbuild_where.libdir; raise Exit_OK), " Display the install library directory";
- "-which", String (fun cmd -> print_endline (find_tool cmd); raise Exit_OK), "<command> Display path to the tool command";
+ "-where", Unit (fun () -> sb (); print_endline (slashify !Ocamlbuild_where.libdir); raise Exit_OK), " Display the install library directory";
+ "-which", String (fun cmd -> sb (); print_endline (slashify (find_tool cmd)); raise Exit_OK), "<command> Display path to the tool command";
"-ocamlc", set_cmd ocamlc, "<command> Set the OCaml bytecode compiler";
"-plugin-ocamlc", set_cmd plugin_ocamlc, "<command> Set the OCaml bytecode compiler \
used when building myocamlbuild.ml (only)";
--- ./src/pathname.ml
+++ ./src/pathname.ml
@@ -84,6 +84,26 @@
| x :: xs -> x :: normalize_list xs
let normalize x =
+ let x =
+ if Sys.win32 = false then
+ x
+ else
+ let len = String.length x in
+ let b = Bytes.create len in
+ for i = 0 to pred len do
+ match x.[i] with
+ | '\\' -> Bytes.set b i '/'
+ | c -> Bytes.set b i c
+ done;
+ if len > 1 then (
+ let c1 = Bytes.get b 0 in
+ let c2 = Bytes.get b 1 in
+ if c2 = ':' && c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'z' &&
+ ( len = 2 || Bytes.get b 2 = '/') then
+ Bytes.set b 0 (Char.uppercase_ascii c1)
+ );
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string b
+ in
if Glob.eval not_normal_form_re x then
let root, paths = split x in
join root (normalize_list paths)
--- ./src/shell.ml
+++ ./src/shell.ml
@@ -24,12 +24,26 @@
| 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '.' | '-' | '/' | '_' | ':' | '@' | '+' | ',' -> loop (pos + 1)
| _ -> false in
loop 0
+let generic_quote quotequote s =
+ let l = String.length s in
+ let b = Buffer.create (l + 20) in
+ Buffer.add_char b '\'';
+ for i = 0 to l - 1 do
+ if s.[i] = '\''
+ then Buffer.add_string b quotequote
+ else Buffer.add_char b s.[i]
+ done;
+ Buffer.add_char b '\'';
+ Buffer.contents b
+let unix_quote = generic_quote "'\\''"
let quote_filename_if_needed s =
if is_simple_filename s then s
(* We should probably be using [Filename.unix_quote] except that function
* isn't exported. Users on Windows will have to live with not being able to
* install OCaml into c:\o'caml. Too bad. *)
- else if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then Printf.sprintf "'%s'" s
+ else if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then unix_quote s
else Filename.quote s
let chdir dir =
reset_filesys_cache ();
@@ -37,7 +51,7 @@
let run args target =
reset_readdir_cache ();
let cmd = String.concat " " (List.map quote_filename_if_needed args) in
- if !*My_unix.is_degraded || Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
+ if !*My_unix.is_degraded then
Log.event cmd target Tags.empty;
let st = sys_command cmd in
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"build": [ |
[ |
"bash", |
"-c", |
"#{os == 'windows' ? 'patch -p1 < ocamlbuild-0.12.0.patch' : 'true'}" |
], |
[ |
"make", |
"-f", |
"configure.make", |
"all", |
"OCAMLBUILD_PREFIX=#{self.install}", |
"OCAMLBUILD_BINDIR=#{self.bin}", |
"OCAMLBUILD_LIBDIR=#{self.lib}", |
"OCAMLBUILD_MANDIR=#{self.man}", |
], |
[ |
"make", |
"check-if-preinstalled", |
"all", |
"#{os == 'windows' ? 'install' : 'opam-install'}" |
] |
] |
} |
Reference in new issue