# nvm_source with no parameter returns the git endpoint
echo $(nvm_source) | grep "nvm.git$" > /dev/null || die "nvm_source without arguments should return the location of the git repo"
[ "$(nvm_source)" = "https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm.git" ] || die "nvm_source without arguments should return the location of the git repo"
NVM_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO="other-user/other-nvm" nvm_source | grep "https://github.com/other-user/other-nvm.git$" > /dev/null || die "NVM_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO=... nvm_source without arguments should return the location of the given git repo"
# nvm_source with git parameter returns the location of the nvm repo
echo $(nvm_source "git") | grep "nvm.git$" > /dev/null || die "nvm_source without arguments should return the location of the git repo"
[ "$(nvm_source "git")" = "https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm.git" ] || die "nvm_source \"git\" should return the location of the git repo"
NVM_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO="other-user/other-nvm" nvm_source "git" | grep "https://github.com/other-user/other-nvm.git$" > /dev/null || die "NVM_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO=... nvm_source \"git\" should return the location of the given git repo"
# nvm_source with script parameter returns the location of nvm.sh
echo $(nvm_source "script") | grep "nvm.sh$" > /dev/null || die "nvm_source \"script\" should return the location of nvm.sh"
[ "$(nvm_source "script")" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/$(nvm_latest_version)/nvm.sh" ] || die "nvm_source \"script\" should return the location of nvm.sh"
NVM_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO="other-user/other-nvm" NVM_INSTALL_VERSION="v0.37.0" nvm_source "script" | grep "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/other-user/other-nvm/v0.37.0/nvm.sh$" > /dev/null || die "NVM_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO=... NVM_INSTALL_VERSION=... nvm_source \"script\" should return the location of nvm.sh"
# nvm_source with script-nvm-exec parameter returns the location of nvm-exec
echo $(nvm_source "script-nvm-exec") | grep "nvm-exec$" > /dev/null || die "nvm_source \"script-nvm-exec\" should return the location of nvm.sh"
[ "$(nvm_source "script-nvm-exec")" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/$(nvm_latest_version)/nvm-exec" ] || die "nvm_source \"script-nvm-exec\" should return the location of nvm.sh"
NVM_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO="other-user/other-nvm" NVM_INSTALL_VERSION="v0.37.0" nvm_source "script-nvm-exec" | grep "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/other-user/other-nvm/v0.37.0/nvm-exec$" > /dev/null || die "NVM_INSTALL_GITHUB_REPO=... NVM_INSTALL_VERSION=... nvm_source \"script-nvm-exec\" should return the location of nvm.sh"
# nvm_source with any other parameter errors out and exits
nvm_source "anything" 2> /dev/null && die "nvm_source with invalid parameter should exit"