local EXPECTED_MSG="Can not copy packages from the current version of node."
[ "$(nvm use 0.10.28 && nvm copy-packages 0.10.28 2&>1)" = "$EXPECTED_MSG" ] || die '"nvm use 0.10.28 && nvm copy-packages 0.10.28" did not fail with the right message'
nvm use 0.10.28 > /dev/null
$(nvm use 0.10.28 && nvm copy-packages 0.10.28)
[ $? = 2 ] || die '"nvm use 0.10.28 && nvm copy-packages 0.10.28" did not fail with the right error code'
EXPECTED_MSG="Can not copy packages from the current version of node."
[ "~$ACTUAL_ERROR_CODE" = "~$EXPECTED_ERROR_CODE" ] || die "'nvm use 0.10.28 && nvm copy-packages 0.10.28' did not fail with the right error code: expected '$EXPECTED_ERROR_CODE', got '$ACTUAL_ERROR_CODE'"
test/slow/nvm install/install version specified in .nvmrc from binary